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HR Outsourcing (HRO) in Sri Lanka

If your business is facing a tough time tackling human resource challenges then you can consider outsourcing your HR services to one of the best outsourcing companies.

Most businesses in the country are opting to outsource their HR services to Outsource Sri Lanka because they do not have the expertise to deal with HR services. However, many companies also outsource their HR to professionals to save time and effort.

What is HR Outsourcing?

It can be divided into two service categories:

1.  Transaction

2.  Administration

HR Transaction services include handling payroll, monthly processing and such. Whereas HR administration is considered as a consultancy service that includes many HR fundamental services underneath.

Why choose to outsource your HR services to us?

As an organization in a competitive market, you need the time to concentrate on the core objectives of the business. Rather than focusing on the HR services you can save time and effort and outsource the services to Outsource Sri Lanka.

By outsourcing, you will increase the flexibility in your business, help to change the working conditions, and increase customer satisfaction.

Outsourcing your HR services with us will benefit you with skills, expertise, latest technology and professional services in the field of HR.

You can also improve your operating performance, risk management, and control in the business. When you outsource to us you will be gaining access to a range of professional services that will help you with proficient HR services leading to major efficient changes in the organization.

Our Services include: